On Wednesday we bussed to Auckland zoo. We were going to the zoo because the seniors were going on a Zoofari. We slept in the old elephant house and the girls got to sleep in Burma's room. The boys slept in Kashin's room. (Kashin is the ASB elephant). We went on a night walk which is where they take us on a tour of the zoo at night. Before we went on the night walk we got to see what the animals ate. Some animals ate baby food! I walked into the freezer. The freezer wasn't that cold. The elephant house was cold in the day time and warm in the night time! This is a photo of an wood pigeon (which is used as our school logo).
We are making animal reports and mine is about servals. I'm so glad that I actually got to see one! They are way more pretty than I thought they would be. I think my favourite animal at the zoo was a cheetah. We got to see the cheetahs when they were being taken for a walk. They were out of their cage and they were soooooooooooo cute!!!
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post.
Ka kite ano
I did enjoy reading it! So lucky to get to see the cheetahs up close