
Friday, 9 November 2018

Star Reading Test

If you didn't see my last two posts, this week we did three tests.
One of the tests was the star reading test.
I scored 48/50 and I got two questions wrong.
I got stanine 9 which means I scored well above the average curriculum level for Year 6.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Reading test

If you didn't see my last post, yesterday we did three tests.
One of the tests was the PAT reading comprehension.
I scored 34/35.
I got stanine 9 which means I scored well above the average curriculum level for year 6.
One of t

PAT Maths Test T4

Hey, Bloggers!!!
Yesterday we did three tests.
One of them was the PAT maths test.
The year 6's were marked as year 7's, and as a year seven I was marked stanine 7 which means I scored above the average curriculum level for year 7. 
For year 6, I scored stanine 8.
My overall score was 33/41, and in term 1 I scored 35/41 and got a stanine 9.
I need to work on number strategies because that is where I got most of my questions wrong.
I am going to start working on my number strategies, and hopefully I get most of the questions right next time-in high school.

Friday, 2 November 2018

My comic!

Our class read the book "The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors"
We had to make a comic strip about a duel.
This is my comic about a duel between a hand and a foot.
I think it is really cool, what do you think?
Comment me if you want more!