
Friday, 9 November 2018

Star Reading Test

If you didn't see my last two posts, this week we did three tests.
One of the tests was the star reading test.
I scored 48/50 and I got two questions wrong.
I got stanine 9 which means I scored well above the average curriculum level for Year 6.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Reading test

If you didn't see my last post, yesterday we did three tests.
One of the tests was the PAT reading comprehension.
I scored 34/35.
I got stanine 9 which means I scored well above the average curriculum level for year 6.
One of t

PAT Maths Test T4

Hey, Bloggers!!!
Yesterday we did three tests.
One of them was the PAT maths test.
The year 6's were marked as year 7's, and as a year seven I was marked stanine 7 which means I scored above the average curriculum level for year 7. 
For year 6, I scored stanine 8.
My overall score was 33/41, and in term 1 I scored 35/41 and got a stanine 9.
I need to work on number strategies because that is where I got most of my questions wrong.
I am going to start working on my number strategies, and hopefully I get most of the questions right next time-in high school.

Friday, 2 November 2018

My comic!

Our class read the book "The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors"
We had to make a comic strip about a duel.
This is my comic about a duel between a hand and a foot.
I think it is really cool, what do you think?
Comment me if you want more!

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Explanation test T4 2018-Global warming

This week we did a writing test.
We had to write an explanation to explain three ways to fix a problem with the environment.
I am really excited, because I have gone up from 4B to 5A!
I was expecting to get a 3A when I first shared it with the class, because I realised I has accidentally written an argument instead of an explanation. Anyway, here it is and I hope you enjoy it!

Name: Depla
Explanation Writing - Term 4

Prompt: - - Write to describe one environmental problem and explain what people do to reduce its impact on the planet.

Think about:
  • What your reader needs to know about the topic
  • How you are going to introduce the topic
  • The order of your ideas and how you link them
  • What to include in your summary

Remember to:
  • Choose your words carefully
  • Take care with your spelling, punctuation, and sentences
  • Edit - add or delete words or sentences to improve your work

Start Writing Here:

Our Hot, Hot Planet

What would you do if you woke up and your city had turned into a desert? Okay maybe global warming doesn’t happen overnight. Global warming is the rising of our air temperature. It does happen naturally, but we are making it speed up. Global warming is also melting the north and south pole. Where will Santa live after we melt the ice? I am going to give you three ways to prevent our planet becoming another hot sun.

When I said that global warming was melting the ice, you would probably think I am worried for the animals. Yes, there is that, but I am also worried about us. Did you know Antarctica holds over 90 percent of Earth's freshwater? What does that equal? Your backyard turn into a flooding pool! And, no, it would not be fun to swim in, there would probably be sharks waiting at your doorsteps! One of the major causes of global warming is the overuse of fossil fuels-the fuels we use for our cars. So a great way for you to help us would be to go online and buy yourself an electric car. They don’t use the fossil fuels, they only use electricity.

Did you know that about 40 years ago, the floor would be covered in a thick hail in Winter? We don’t get that anymore, do we? Another major cause of global warming is carbon dioxide. You know, the air we breathe out? Anyway, there is only one way to fix this. What do you know that absorbs carbon dioxide, and spits out oxygen? Our good old trees! So if you own a big smoke factory, don’t forget to bring those saplings!

Guess what! Did you know for the last however long china has been taking our rubbish? Well they’ve stopped taking it now! Pollution is another big cause of global warming. And you wouldn’t want our land to be polluted anyway, would you? So what can you do to help? Well just do the simple things and slowly build up to the more extreme, like bring your own non-plastic bags to the supermarket instead of using the shops ones. Or, buy products that have not been sitting in plastic all day. Plus, plastic is very unhealthy for US as well!

I hope you have learned something today. And I hope that our planet won't become a rubbish dump. And YOU will choose the destiny of ourhome. Whether it is desert, fireball or a deep underwater ocean.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Greats and Grands Poem Sweet Poem

Hi bloggers!
Tomorrow is Greats and Grands day at Ohaeawai School and we have all been busy preparing!
We each had to write a piece of writing about our grandparents.
I really hope you like mine!
We also had to write an explanation about a problem that grandparents could have, and we had to write three ways to fix it. I will attach that at the bottom of the page.

And here is my explanation

How Grandparents can find a way to spend more time with their grandchildren.

A grandparent is a person who had children and those children had children of their own (Which are called grandchildren), and sometimes those children have MORE children making the grandparent a great grandparent. Too many people these days. A lot of grandparents live very far away from their grandchildren, so many kids on earth who love their grandparents very much, barely ever see grandma and grandpa. And you thought it was that I was avoiding you because you’re boring and have wrinkles? Nah, don’t worry, I think my grandparents are very interesting, and I bet so do YOUR grandkids. And wrinkles are like sprinkles. I am now going to give you three ways to help your problem of not living close to your grandkids.

The first thing you can do is the money jar thing. You know, when you get money and have two jars. Split the money in half. (I don’t mean actually get an axe to chop the money in half!) Get half the money plop it into one jar that is labeled “Savings for flights/bus” And put the rest in the other jar. Save up enough money to get your grandchild a flight from Fiji to New Zealand. Or you could get a bus. Done. Simple.

Ok, first idea a little bit slack. Lets go more extreme! Move houses to a house way closer to your grandchild! Too extreme? Hey it was just a thought!

So lets try get to the BEST idea yet. And sadly, no, none of my ideas include rocket launchers, but how about something even better? Let’s say grandma and grandpa live in Auckland and I live in Kerikeri. Whangarei would be about half way between. So it is way less far as driving all the way to Auckland. Get a small holiday house there! Every holiday, and possibly even weekend, you could organise a time to drive to your holiday house, which is half as long as driving all the way to Auckland from Kerikeri. YAY!

Now there you go folks. 3 ways to spend more time with your grandkids. And remember, your  grandchildren will never say no to an opportunity to visit their grandparents.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Animal Report

Over the last couple of weeks, our class have been writing reports on any animal!
I chose to write about the Haast eagle, even though I knew it would be hard because it is extinct.
Anyway, here it is and I hope you enjoy it!

Friday, 6 July 2018


Hey Bloggers! Yesterday the WHOLE school got into groups to do things about Matariki. My group were making paper mache dolls. I was happy because one of my friends were in my group. I think my doll was really funny, because I gave him a pear of undies. Well, they were undies at the start, but I changed them into a nappy. At the beginning, we had to cut out the body shapes and tape them on. We weren't allowed to tape the head to the body, though because we were going to connect it with wire. After we cut and taped the dolls together, we had to put one, and only one tissue to cover the doll, and use this weird glue to make it stick on. When we had done all that, it was time for morning tea. When we had came back to the classroom, we were all shocked to find that half the dolls were missing. We were relieved to find out that they were only having a lovely holiday, in a place called the oven, where they were probably getting a lovely tan. It felt like they were taking FOREVER to come out. By the time I got mine, almost everyone had theirs done and detailed. I gave mine anime eyes and spiky hair. It's eyes were green. It had a top that showed it's belly button, and it said baby boy on it. I made it confusing by writing baby girl on it's nappy. I gave him cute little boots with laces. Here came the messy process. Paint. It had covered up all the vivid lines, all the cardboard, and sadly, all my hands. I spent a good amount of time trying to get the paint to come off. I had so much fun. Blog you later.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Learning Journal

Kia ora!
This is my learning Journey and how much progress I have made.
I think I am doing very well.

Monday, 11 June 2018


Kia ora
For the last couple of weeks we have been doing speeches. We had to choose a topic and find 3 reasons with evidence about the topic.
This is my speech.
Introduction/Belief statement:
Mice! Rabbits! Possums! Rats! Stoats! Dragons!
Wait… Those are from how to train your dragon… Oops!
Can you think of any other pests?
I’m sure you can. But have you ever thought about what makes something a
pest? And who gets to decide?
Some people say that a pest is something really annoying that causes
problems. The dictionary defines a pest as a destructive animal that destroys
plants, food and livestock.
Look around the room.
Can you see any pests? No?
Hi. My name is Depla and I am here to tell you that this room is full of pests.
Yes. It’s us.
Reason 1:
Firstly, We destroy animals’ homes by tearing down forests and messing the
place up with our rubbish.
With all our large machinery, we take down whole forests, and leave the
animals with nowhere to live. And think about all the animals that get killed by
a tree falling down on them!
“Oh mother nature, my body suddenly feels very heavy!
It is dark and I hear the sound of an angel coming to get me! Goodbye life.
BLAGH!” Poor, poor whatever that was.
And what happens to the small amount of animal living space that is left?
We pollute it. Soon we will have to evacuate Earth because we’ve turned it
into a rubbish dump. I don’t think we will have room to take the animals with
us will we? Animals didn’t pollute earth! Now that is pesty.
Reason 2:
Secondly, we rob animals of their food. Before humans existed, there was plenty
of food for all the animals. Now, we destroy the natural food sources and then
we put up electric and wire fences and nets that stop animals going where
they want. If they sneak past that and get into our orchards, farms and
gardens- BOOM! We shoot them dead or lay poison around to kill them.
Some orchards use Invisible nets, so when birds fly over to get a juicy apple,
they get tangled up and die. Goodbye. I will miss you. In the oceans, dolphins
are running out of food because of overfishing. Scientists say that there will be
no more fish by 2050. Now what will the creatures of earth find to eat??
Reason 3:
Finally, we kill animals just to suit ourselves. How many of you have watched
Jurassic World? You know that giant dinosaur was killing for fun? Well, we are
that giant dinosaur!  We hunt ducks, pigs and even lions and elephants just for
fun! We brang possums to NZ, then we decided we didn't want them here
because they destroy the environment. But what about us!?
We destroy the environment too!
Possums do what they have always done to survive, and suddenly somebody
shoots them. If possums get nearly wiped out, and there are suddenly too
many kiwis, would you start killing kiwis?
Conclusion: So, now I am sure that you will agree with me that it is essential
that we stop doing things that make us worse than a giant smelly sewer rat.
If we stop acting like the super pests of this planet, we could live in a green
and lovely paradise full of healthy, well-fed animals who could find food
wherever they liked and who weren’t living in fear. And I think humans would
have a better future too. Come on, people-stop being Mega Pests and do our
planet and all the other life forms on it a great big favour.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Young Leaders

I was chosen as a young leader.
There were 10 of us.
We had a trip to Auckland and did some awesome things.
First we went to Pt England School, and they used some cool apps.
I played on Scratch and
For dinner we went to a motel, and I had chicken on rice for dinner, apple juice as a drink, and ice cream as pudding.
We went tenpin bowling, and I won both rounds!
We stayed at a motel, and we got a phone call, saying we were too noisy.
The next day we went to a young leaders conference.
There were lots of inspiring speakers.
I had a SUPER fun time!

Friday, 18 May 2018


Kia Ora!
For the next couple of weeks we will be doing golf.
A guy called Paul taught us how to play. I learnt that the lower the points the better.
This is a photo of me playing golf.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Environmental Writing

Kia ora!
We were doing environmental writing about Autumn.
I hope you like my poem!
I drew the background.

Friday, 13 April 2018

School Commonwealth Games

Kia Ora
Today we had the school Commonwealth games.
We had to choose a country that is part of the Commonwealth of nations.
We had to make our country's flag and a poster that has our countries name on it.
Our country was Australia, because our game was called Little Kangaroos. 
In our game there were two giant skipping ropes.
There was one person at each end.
If people weren't confident, they could go to the Try not to Wake the Snake game.
Everyone had to jump stylishly and whoever jumped the most stylish, got a certificate.
I think our game was a big success because everyone had fun.
We also made a presentation on the commonwealth games.
I hope you enjoy it.

Members: Depla, Maia, Dulcie, Magic, Amethyst

Wednesday, 28 March 2018


Kia ora.
This week we have been working on metaphors.
Here is my work.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Kia ora, we have been doing more similes.
Again we had to choose a photo, and write similes about it, but this time we had to have a topic sentence.
I wrote my similes about a possum.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Poetry Writing T1 W5

Kia ora Bloggers!
For our poems we had to write a poem about the weather using at least 5 similes. Here is my poem.

Yay! Its Summer. The sun shines like a blinding light. Here comes Autumn. The wind is howling like werewolves in the middle of the night. Oh no. It is Winter. The snowmen are everywhere as if they were going to take over the earth. The rain comes pouring down like a shower on full, only to make matters worse. Making floods like an overflowing bathtub, we can’t wait till Winter is done. Woohoo! It is finally Spring. Now we can have lots of fun. The Spring has a mix of sun and wind. The sun now shines like a dim broken light getting brighter everyday, waiting to explode in one sudden burst. Now that it is all done, we will still have lots of fun starting it all over again.

Reading Poetry Lesson 5

Kia Ora! We have been doing more poetry. This week we had to recognise what types of similes were in poems. We had a poem we had to colour code and copy two of the sentences onto a DLO. See you later.

Learn:1. Why poets like to use similes in a poem.2.  The different sentence structures and word types needed in ‘like’, ‘as’, and ‘than’ similes.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Similes T1 2018

Hello Bloggers!
Yesterday and today we were working on our similes
We had pictures we had to match up and write a simile about.
I hope you like mine.

 As Similes

Like Similes

Monday, 12 March 2018

Swimming T1 2018

Kia ora bloggers!
This year we have been practising streamlining our arms and legs.
We have also been practising our breathing skills.
I think I am amazing at using my arms, but I suck at kicking.
We also had swim safe come and teach us how to survive if we get caught in a current or a rip.
I could stay on my back-feet first for five minutes. Afterwards I had a very sore neck.
Here is a photo of me in the pool (I think I look super ugly).
See you soon.

Monday, 26 February 2018

Maths test T1 2018

Kia Ora!
Here is my results for my maths test T1.
You can't see it very well but I scored 35 stanine 9.
I think I need to work on number strategies.
I think I did well.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Bio poem

We have been doing poetry with Miss Craig.
Here is my bio poem

Funny, Crazy, Friendly, Energetic, Small
Friend of Dulcie, Kirsten, and Isobel
Who loves Food, Being silly, Making music and Drawing
Who enjoys making memories of Laughter with family
Who fears wide open spaces and a grumpy Mum and Dad
Who Learned how to play the Guitar and came 3rd in Speech Competition
Who wishes Voltron was real
Who lives at 67 Okaka rd Rd1 Okaihau/Utakura


What is green

We have been doing poetry with Miss Craig.
Here is my poem 

Reading poetry No 2

1: That rhyme is a main ‘clue’ that a piece of writing might be poetry.
2: What rhyme is.